The United States is completely dependent on the Middle East for petroleum. The Centcom (Central command center of the Middle East) mission is to protect the 711 billion barrels of oil (2/3 of world oil reserves) found in the main 5 oil producing countries in the Middle East. “The oil resources [of th
e Middle East] constitute a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history” (U.S State Department memo August 1945). The U.S is in short supply of their oil reserves. Primarily this is because the U.S used 1/3 of its oil reserves during World War II. Power is related to oil. We know that the Middle East has such power a
nd it’s intimidating. Our alliance with Saudi Arabia is a necessity. Many of our previous presidents have signed and establish doctrines which have been made to ensure our petroleum protection. The Bush administration even introduced weapons of mass destruction into the “petroleum power” scene. It's as if history is almost repeating it's self. Many elements behind the “petroleum power” surge are kept from the American public. When the Democracy is doing things in secrecy, how do we know if they’re doing the will of the people? This documentary is biased to all extent. It describes Americans as greedy and harsh. But is it creditable? Although he makes valid points, what is he leaving out? There are many extreme points and he backs them up with extreme visual images, but are these images relative? The author of this documentary is describing a fallacy. However is it really that crazy that we're fighting a war for oil? For power? Oil is everything in America. In conclusion: I'm more than confused and sorry this blog is somewhat random.

I think you made a great point questioning what's been put in front of you. If everyone took everything that everybody said as fact we would look very foolish most of the time. It's important to question, to make sure you have all the information before making any sort of decision. I agree, history is repeating itself, at least based on the information we've been given...and oil does seem to be the driving force in our society. But what has been left out. What have we not been told for "our safety" or "national security"? Key words the government likes to use. I think this response add to the questions rather than solves them.